We Depend 100% on Donations.
Serving the homeless and hungry since 1987.
Every night since 1987, the Hollywood Food Coalition has served a hot meal
to those in need. Your generous donation of a Car, Boat, or RV (running or not) will feed the homeless and less fortunate, please donate.
We Can Change Everything Together.

Hollywood Food Coalition*

Hollywood Food Coalition has provided hunger relief to unhoused and food-insecure neighbors through hot, healthy meals served every single night of the year, without fail, since 1987. Since then, we have grown into a thriving meal service and food rescue operation providing meals and other basic necessities to food-insecure Angelenos, according to HoFoCo’s ethos of Responsiveness, Consistency, Choice and Community.
We help more unhoused community members on a daily basis than any other social service agency in the neighborhood.
When we share food we not only help with basic needs, but we also remind our guests of their fundamental humanity. We remind them that they are not forgotten, that somebody cares, and that they are still worthwhile members of the human family.
At our core, we actively seek to construct a more cohesive, just, and compassionate community. We serve any hungry person who walks through our door, with no exclusionary intake or prohibitive requirements that would turn them away.
83% of Homeless People Eat One Meal or Less Per Day
“If You Want to Lift Up Yourself, Lift Up Someone Else” – Booker T. Washington

Our Volunteers Are Just Like You!
We have thousands of volunteers that have helped Hollywood Food Coalition over the years. They span from CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies to parents coming in with their children, and even people we normally serve coming and giving us a hand when needed as their way to say thank you.

We Depend On You!
Please donate your Car, Boat, or RV and help us keep feeding the homeless and less fortunate.

Source: Some images, text and videos are the property and copyright of Hollywood Food Coalition.
*We only accept Car donations from California.