Help Our Soldiers and Veterans.
Sometimes returning home is the hardest battle.
Making the lives of America’s Military, Veterans, and their Families Better
by providing employment, business opportunities, mentoring, and retreats.
Your generous donation of a car, boat, or RV helps to continue our mission.
Support Our Patriots.

Patriotic Hearts
Have you seen Horses for Healing Heroes?

It is a new program of Patriotic Hearts. Veterans and First Responders risk their lives everyday to protect ours. Trauma and stress are the result. They and their families now have a retreat where horses will help them to heal, recuperate and recover.

Our Story
Hire Patriots was launched in 2005. The founders were living next door to Camp Pendleton Marine Base. One day a Marine who had just returned home from Iraq knocked on their door. “Sir,” he said, “I just got back from deployment and found out that my wife was laid-off a couple of months before I got back home. And when I got back today I found out that our utilities were turned off. So I need to earn some extra money to make sure that we can have lights and heat before my kids go to sleep tonight. – Is there any work or repairs that I can do for you around your home or yard?”
The founders wanted to just give the Marine the money he needed; but, he insisted on working for it. So he cleaned their house, did yardwork and fixed the carburetor on an old car they had. The Marine earned $100 that day and got his bills paid.
Hire Marines was created to see if any other residents wanted to hire local Marines. Within a few months 10,000 residents and Marines were coming to the site every week! — The website changed its name to Hire Patriots when the sailors in San Diego asked if they could use the site too.
Hire Patriots offers Careers and daily Jobs to veterans and assists companies with veteran recruiting through their job board, and nationwide recruiting events.
Making the Lives of America’s Military, Veterans, and their Families Better
Hire Patriots offers careers and daily Jobs to veterans. We assist companies with veteran recruiting through our job board, and nationwide recruiting events. We provide two job boards, one for veterans looking for careers, and one for active duty military to earn income by helping local residents with chores when they are off duty. Transitioning veterans and wounded warriors use this job board too.
In order to spread our free job board for residents to employ local military, veterans and their spouses, we provide a customized website for communities, schools, organizations and businesses to get it started in their area. We have also written a marketing plan for businesses that want to use this job board to increase their popularity, gain media attention, and to make veteran recruiting much easier.

We mentor US veterans in starting businesses. And we create start-up business opportunities for veterans to own. By doing so we create more jobs for other veterans. Most of the veteran entrepreneurs we have helped have achieved financial independence through the companies we assisted them in forming.
US Military Maintenance
We built a maintenance business for 40 years before retiring to serve veterans full time. Patriotic Hearts has now created over 70 USMM businesses across the nation. We employed hundreds of US veterans every day. Our USMM owners and their veteran employees work with residential and commercial property managers and owners to maintain their properties in all areas of maintenance.
Patriotic Hearts provides the equipment to get started, a customized website, OSHA training and certifications, our highly successful and unique marketing plan, nationwide team calls, and regular mentoring. The more USMM businesses we create, the more US veterans are employed at good wages and get to work alongside other veterans. Many begin their business part time. But by following in the steps of USMM owners who have gone before them, they are quickly able to quit their jobs and become full time business owners if they desire.
In Service of Our Country

Source: Some images, text and videos are the property and copyright of Patriotic Hearts.